
Check out the blog for images from my most recent sessions.

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Baby Cousin Love {Fort Worth Family Photographer}

I’ve got to take a quick break from catching up to catch up with this session.

I did my cousin’s maternity session last year, and some of those images are my favorite of all time.  They’re just stunning.

So this Christmas we went back to the same setting to do her son’s 1 year pictures.  Turns out the lighting and people are just as gorgeous this go round.

The field belongs to another cousin and his wife, and if it were my land I’d be shooting out there all day!

I’m going to recap the images from 2016 before y’all get to see what 1 year can do!


My sister helps me shoot this session and she is invaluable.  If you have a baby that won’t smile, hire me… and hire my sister too.  She will totally sell out to get a laugh.  Love you, Sarah!

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