
Check out the blog for images from my most recent sessions.

And if it says the last post was 6 months ago, go ahead and use the contact form to reach out and say "update your blog!" I appreciate it!


Calder Family {Dripping Springs Family Photographer}

If you’ve met Kris Calder, you probably want to be her friend.  She is kind, funny, empathetic, generous, and sarcastic.  All the essentials for a great friend.  She has crazy kids that she loves fiercely, and she is passionate about foster care and the marginalized.  And her husband Eric… a true anchor amidst their wildness.  

Is this the Kris Calder post?  I guess so.  Definitely use her if you need a real estate agent.  (shameless plug)

We had the best time during this session.  The boys had plenty of faces they wanted me to capture (“me! as an ape!”), and their daughter was showing off alllll her gymnastics tricks.  They were fun and I will take that kind of session every time.  

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