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Fernandez Family {Dripping Springs Family Photographer}

I posted this family on my Instagram back in the late fall, and the thing I commented on then and will comment on now is how their wardrobes are always clean, basic, and classic.

I don’t mean “basic” like how it Urban Dictionary defines it:

only interested in things mainstream, popular, and trending  “Omg BAE is so basic. all she wants to do is drink pumpkin spice lattes and play candy crush.”

I mean basic like the REAL dictionary defines it:

1.forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental.

I *love* color and patterns and mixing those things in surprising ways. I love it. But this family reminds me year after year how classic is also wonderful. Ann certainly isn’t going to look back at these images of her family and see OH THIS WAS 2018 WOW.

Here’s the thing. Here’s what makes their wardrobe selection beautiful-not-boring: TEXTURES. Mix it up with the textures. The cable knits, the crochet, the leather. Mix it up and make it pretty!

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