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Myles Hurt {Austin Newborn Photographer}

This boy was such a sweet little peanut… he has the adorable habit of sucking on his fists which makes getting a photograph of his face quite a challenge.  But I love a challenge, Myles, so bring it.

He is also blessed with two awesome big brothers and one sassy big sister.  He has a mom and dad that give of themselves and their time and resources tirelessly.  This is not just a big family, but a big family that is serving their community for the Kingdom.  They love Jesus.  I know this little kiddo must have big things ahead of him, how could he not growing up in the Hurt house?

As is the custom for the baby of the family, Myles is already quite the star in the house… he is receiving plenty of love from his siblings, and his mom and dad.  I can totally see why, he was just such a sweet baby, happily sucking away at his fists, not worried about the craziness all around him.

Hurt family, this is another keeper!  Myles G is precious!

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