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New Life {Austin Birth Photographer}

My last post was Candace’s maternity session where we were anticipating this new baby in our family.

This post is that baby girl’s entrance into the world!

I can’t tell you what a privilege it was to be present for a birth.  And not just any birth, but the birth of my niece.

It’s surreal to watch an unmedicated birth having done it myself.  It’s kind of like watching yourself.  I could easily see why when I was laboring everyone around me was so chill.  Oddly, you have so much perspective when you’re not the one laboring.  Funny, right?

Candace did an amazing job, Lucy was so sweet to her mother and made the experience “easy” (as far as unmedicated births go, which is to say not easy at all), and photographing births would totally be my jam if they weren’t completely unpredictable.

But this birth?  It was perfect.

*Edited to add: YES, Candace really looked that gorgeous during (and after, for crying out loud!) an unmedicated birth.  I know, it’s not fair.  But it’s true.

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