
Check out the blog for images from my most recent sessions.

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Party Time {Dripping Springs Photographer}

One of the things I love about photography is that it can take you so many different places.  There are so many categories to work in!  My wheelhouse is definitely families and babies, throw in some couples or some seniors.  I’d love to grow in birth photography.  But I’ve never ventured into wedding photography (not counting shooting my Gramma’s wedding and my brother’s wedding, of course).  Wedding photography is a whole other ballgame.  

But this session made me think those wedding photographers are on to something.  

Shooting this retirement party was a blast.  The people were all having fun.  The food was amazing and bevvies were flowing.  It was totally my jam.  I would shoot one of these one the reg if that were an option (takers???).

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E. ErikaKnoxPhotography@gmail